Sunday, June 12, 2016

The cost of adoption....and Jewelry!

Hi everyone! I am writing tonight about the costs involved in private domestic adoption and why it is so expensive. I have been asked this question so many times because when people hear the number it sounds impossibly crazy!

But first....I finally have my Etsy page set up with all of the jewelry I've been making! I will be updating it regularly as I make new pieces. I had NO idea how much fun it would be to make jewelry.  It is so relaxing and I feel so creative doing it. I literally jumped with glee when I got my first order!! Here is the link, and also some pictures of some of my favorite pieces.

The costs involved in adoption
The average cost of a private adoption in the United States is between $25,000-$50,000. Here is a breakdown of what that involves. It varies A LOT and can be less or more depending on each individual situation.
  • Home study fee: $1500-3500 depending on the state and agency. 
  • Consultant fee: $2,000-$3500 
  • Cost of our profile books and own advertising: $500ish
  • Agency fees for advertising, showing our profile book, match and placement fees, interstate fees, etc: $20,000-$30,000
  • Birth mother expenses: Can be $0 or upwards of $10,000+.  I think most states have a limit though. The cost can include living expenses, medical coverage if there is no insurance, transportation to doctor, counseling, meals..Etc Etc. (if the adoption does not go through and the mother changes her mind, these expenses are not refundable).
  • Newborn hospital care (usually mostly covered under adoptive parents insurance)
  • Legal services and court costs paid to an attorney: I have no idea how much this can cost but I know it can be a lot. Depends on the lawyer used and the state's laws.
  • Travel expenses: If baby is born out of state we will have to travel to that state and wait for 5-10 business days before we can bring baby home. That could mean worse case scenario flying and renting a car and staying in a hotel for 2 weeks.
The cost of adoption is a huge deterrent for most couples wanting to adopt, and I'm sure most people think we are crazy for attempting to grow our family this way while Wes is still in medical school. Maybe we are crazy! It definitely makes this journey more challenging but God placed it on our hearts to have a family now so we are trusting and just going to do everything it takes to make it happen. It's not easy to ask for help but we realize that this would be impossible to do on our own. It really makes the saying "it takes a village" a true statement. It's been beyond amazing so far seeing how many people care about us and want to help. 

How much do we need to raise?
We are hoping to raise at least $20,000. This number intimidates me so much and seems so impossible! Between the money we hope to raise and all the money we thought we were saving to buy a house we should hopefully be able to cover the cost of our adoption. I've seen God provide for my family so many times and I know that everything will work out. Please continue to pray for us in this journey!!


  1. You are right. God WILL provide and your testimony will provide encouragement and hope to others!

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